Yes, I am still here! It has been VERY difficult as of late for me. I have been in a little hole, only surfacing for work and my motherly responsibilities.
But I am much better now. Thanks to all of those that were concerned enough to NOT check on me! J (oh yeah, I’m back)
For the past week, I have had a headache. Yesterday was my first day without one. No, not the I-don’t-wanna-have-sex kind of headache. But a serious headache. Not quite my usual migraine, but just enough under that to let me know my blood pressure was WAY out of whack. I never took my BP during that time, but I’m sure if I went to the doctor, they would have admitted me into the hospital because I was in danger of a stroke!
Yeah, it was that bad.
But then, just when I thought I couldn’t take another weight, the blessings came! Oh, but GOD!!! Take me as an example of the saying that God will not put more on you than you can bear! I was literally at my breaking point, things were that bad. But, after having my van repo’d for the second time in less than 2 months, things finally took a turn for the better. My mother stepped in, and by the grace of God her credit union agreed to buy my van from the car place I got the van from.
Then my landlords reduced my rent by $50. I’m telling you what….the power of God is unstoppable! I’m not nearly out of the woods yet, but I can see the clearing coming up ahead. Plus, I am still ferverently trying to find more work-at-home options to provide a steady income monthly. I think I have found it…and I will keep you posted.
So, even when people come to me CRAZY like I have done something wrong to them purposely, that is not my intention. (You will know if it is)
I have just simply been trying to maintain my sanity for the sake of my family! Give me a break…sheeeeez!
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