October 21, 2007

Quote for the Day

"I'm well aware that my opponents on both sides are paying a lot more attention to me. I'm reminded by some of my friends that when you get to be my age, having so many men paying attention to you is kind of flattering." Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton

I love that!! To see the full article click here.

Another interesting article I read the other day on CNN.com regarding Barack Obama and his chance with the black community. It was very enlightening. You'll find that article here.
Basically the article is stating that he needs to count on more than just the color of his skin to get our vote. He is very charismatic, but also not very passionate when he is speaking on the issues. Me, personally, I need to feel that you care what you are talking about. Haven't gotten that yet.

At this point, I would surely be voting for Sen. Clinton. Hey, I can do that! I AM a double minority, remember?

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