September 25, 2011

2011 Has Indeed Been an Awesome Year!!

So much has happened, but there's more to come too!

I finally got out of that horrible, super low paying job at ESI!! I'm now working super close to home and making quite a bit more, in my former career field of travel. I do official government travel for the US Air Force now. I work 7-10 minutes from my home. WooHoo!!!!!

Speaking of home, my landlord finally couldn't handle me being so late with the rent anymore. He was as understanding and patient as he could be. By the time I got the job it was too late, and things were already in motion. He was seriously considering evicting me. That would have really been an issue since with the income I was making then I don't know what kinda place I could have afforded! BUT, my boyfriend stepped up and to make sure that me and the kids wouldn't be living in my sister's basement...and that he would have his own place to call he bought a house!

He got a very high paying job as an overseas contractor (has since been promoted to foreman less than 6 months after getting there!) so sadly I don't see him very often now. But the time we shared at the beginning of the year and up until he left was really a game-changer for our relationship...after all this time and all the EXTRA stuff that I endured.

Yes. I am talking about Dante! We are still together, happier and more committed than ever before. He finally made the right decision by getting rid of Gwen in Memphis. Though she did try one last ditch effort at the end to trap him by getting knocked up. Didn't work!

It's not all peaches and roses, don't get me wrong. But honestly, no real relationship is. There were some VERY rough patches when the house first came in the picture. How so? Well, basically the day of closing -which his mom attended because she's the POA and my idiot job at ESI wouldn't let me off work- is when his family not only found out about me...but that I would be the one living in the house! That was tough at first, but we all settled down and got along just fine. They were actually rather upset at him that he had kept me a secret so long, and then when they noticed how comfortable my WHOLE family is with him (meaning they've obviously been knowing him quite a while).

So I went from a modest but very nice 1200sf (approx) home to a 3200+ sf 4BR/3.75BA home in a great subdivision with a pool and tennis courts in a great school district! It's even 3 minutes from church too!!

That's the cliff note version. He'll be home for Thanksgiving and while he's here we'll have a 40th birthday party for him. I want to have the house done by the time he gets home, complete with his mancave downstairs. Work was absolutely CRAZY from day 3 that I was there, but it's calmed down finally. Kids are settled into their new schools. DJ is in high school now, a freshmen. Taking basically every course that can be honors, including Sophomore Algebra!! He was also the top award recipient and probably top kid at his Jr High School graduation! Yes, Solo-Mommy was VERY PROUD!!! Shockingly, for the first time EVER, his father showed up for this event. His chest stuck out like he was father of the year nearly made me physically ill though, but I put on a great show for the sake of DJ.

In the midst of all that, depression is trying to rear it's ugly head again. I could do better at fighting it, that's for sure. We are going to get the surgery for me that will allow me to have children again. Excited for that! Plus, I am starting to refocus on things that are important in my life. This blog is one. I really used to LOVE blogging, then I just let it die. Another is school. My last go around with school didn't end so well. But I'm ready to jump back in and get this degree DONE!! I'm also ready to truly focus in on what kind of business I want to run, and what alternate forms of income I will use. Yes, my job is just fine and it will be for a few years likely. But after that, I want to migrate into my own, not still being someone else's employee at 40 years old, ya know?

More to come...time to sleep! Missed you lots blogosphere!!!!!

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