December 7, 2007

Life Goes On

Wow, am I having a bad day today!

I am so tired of being depressed and broke on payday!

As my mother used to say, "I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!"

Finances are shot to hell. I am all borrowed out, and guess what? The bills keep coming! So, I just downloaded the software I need to my laptop so I can sit up and take calls that way. I died to get this work-at-home job...and I have done crap with it!!

This is my "little" so that God will see I am capable of handling "much" next year. So, I will designate a day off every week, but otherwise I plan to work much as I can until the bills are not only caught up, but AHEAD!!!!

Can you imagine? It doesn't even seem realistic! But it is possible!!!

I just have to put my mind to doing it. To not let "I'm tired" be my excuse to keep living like this. Hell, most nights I go to bed at 1am anyway, why not get paid for it?!

Been chatting with the Commander lately. He will be most happy if he could get into my pants again - or get me out of them, whichever way you look at it. Ah goes on.

Still wonder what's in the future for me romantically. I know, I know....I'm being ridiculous. But you've got to know this casual dating is only gonna work with me for so long, right? I mean, Dante and I even talked about it. This is great for now, but eventually we're both gonna want more than the other person can give. That's where we'll go our separate romantic ways, with good memories but left to start over again.

Have I ever mentioned how much I loathe starting over?? I just want to be settled and happily married for the rest of my life, why is that so much to ask?????

I know. You don't have to say it. I have to be patient. It will happen in time. When the time is right, the right person will come along.

Blah, blah, blah is all I am hearing right now.

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