May 8, 2008

Interesting Week

I have been feeling really melancholy this week. Very unsettled about "stuff". But, after talking with Dante today, I feel much better. Things are still clear on the business front, but personally...well...not so crystal there.

I just felt this distance there and I wanted to know why and what it meant. He's been working ridiculously for the past month and a half, so I knew that was a major reason. I just wanted to make sure that was the only thing...and that it wasn't someone that I needed to be concerned about. I mean, let's face it, the distance is there. We had talked before about if he found someone there he would let me know. I was just worried that he had, and then didn't have the heart to tell me 'cause he didn't want to hurt my feelings. He hadn't.

We had a very open conversation, from the heart. He has known for a while now that I have been a bit uneasy and wanted to talk to him, but he decided to wait and let me come to him. It's not like he hasn't had an enormous load on his plate lately, so I didn't want to burden him. But, it was finally at the point that I could have exploded today. So many emotions churning around. So I sent him an email that I wanted to talk to him later today. Once I hit send, there was no chickening out!

I was glad to get things off my chest, I feel a bit more clear-headed and focused now. I just needed to know what we were. I mean, at this point, no definition has been realistically established still. But, it's nice to know that he considers us more than just FWB, and there is potential for a future, should that situation arise. That's a relief!

Other than that, I have been working on passing another little certification for my Arise business. I have 2 prerequisite courses basically to take before I can certify with any clients' training - Customer Service 101 and Sales 101. I would like to have the first done by end of weekend, so I can register the second one. But, I did email someone on the work at home forum who said she has contracted with a few local businesses for services as well. Isn't that exactly the core business for StarrDom??? All I gotta do is get outta my way!

I'm movin', I'm movin' don't have to push! :-)

p.s. My car magnets came today!!! WooHoo!!!

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