July 14, 2008

2nd Week...Still Going Strong

You're waiting on me to crack aren't you? Waiting on me to break down under the pressures of my Solo-Mommy world and the economy and the gas prices and the food prices, and freak out about not having a job aren't you?


Well, I hate to tell you this, but it's gonna be a looooooooong wait!

God always provides us the desires of our heart. I am not stressed about working full time, so I am happy. I do not have a sufficient income yet with Arise whereas if I didn't have unemployment, I may be a bit worried. However, I do. That is my "cushion" to help me prepare for life after unemployment, so I don't have to feel like a failure again by running out there to get a job! Little by little, I am making it happen everyday. You'll see!

Just wanted to add, by the way, that Can't Get Right is definitely NOT The One!!! Why do I say this, you ask? Because he sucks big time. He is a lousy father, and my daughter deserves better. He has never treated me with the level of consideration that I deserve or command, and I deserve better too. Yep I figured it out. Are you ready? This is my psycho-analytical breakthrough of the decade (and it didn't cost me an hour or a dime in therapy sessions)! He is the man in my life that most closely resembles my father! Not in looks, but in actions. Actions toward me, actions toward his daughter, or his children as a whole for that matter. He's never rude or mean, actually very charming and quite personable. But when it comes to building real relationships, he remains aloof and careless with others emotions...mainly because he is too wrapped up in himself!

I know, I have said it before. I even meant it when I said it then. But I realize this is a process that can take a while. I am willing to put in the work. 100%

In other news, I selected a new host agency today for my travel business! I have been debating on this for months and months, and then they came with a 3 months fee-free trial offer, including deferring set-up for 3 months! Couldn't beat that! I also kinda think that was God nudging me out of my state of analysis paralysis! You know what I think about all these online travel agencies (aka MLM or scams or card mills, take your pick)?? There's some of them out there that are supposedly making good money getting people to book on their websites and setting up partial-service groups for them. Well then, if they can thrive doing thing half-ass, then surely there is plenty of clients for those like me!

Know what else? I'm going to get those clients too! I am putting the plan and the tools in place as we speak. No distractions. No BS. NO FEAR!!!

What would you do if you knew you absolutely could not fail?

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