June 30, 2009

Sometimes I Wonder

Sometimes I wonder if what happened in Dante's past has ruined him forever.
Sometimes I wonder if he still looks at this as a casual thing, or if takes it seriously.
Sometimes I wonder will he ever just open up and allow himself to love and be loved HARD again.

Time will reveal (but hopefully not too much time)

June 28, 2009

My First Choir Day

I've been awake now for half an hour. Getting ready to wake the kids for this very long day at church. This was definitely a larger commitment than I would have planned on. I like the idea of doing everything in one day...until you take into account the single mom with noone else to watch her children. They don't have childcare first service, so I will have to rely on my oldest two heavily.
One thing I am sure of, is that the Lord will completely work it out!

I have a very full day to day. The school semester is half over and because of a missed quiz in Spanish and a missed discussion in Management, my grades are in the toilet. I know I can pull it back up though. The good thing is that I'm not working today, so I can spend some time with my family then complete my schoolwork as well. This would be a great time to have that go-anywhere wireless card for my laptop.

Hitting the showers, will let you know how I do!

June 25, 2009

A Day of Losses

Farrah Fawcett lost her 2 year battle with cancer this morning at 62 years of age.

Then, this afternoon and out-of-the-blue Michael Jackson collapsed and died today at the age of 50! He would have been 51 in a couple of months.

My prayers to their families for God's Comforting Hand to get them through this time. I keep thinking about poor Katherine losing her son. I know they'll be okay though, as long as they have God on their side.

Rest in Peace. Amen.

June 24, 2009

Brighter Days

Today was a new thing for me. I taught my first youth group Wednesday night class for grades 4-6! I think the kids were bored out of their mind, and I think I could have done A LOT better but....I Did It!! I'm so proud of myself for doing so! I will end up teaching once a month because the other lady and I alternate weeks teaching. Wow, I'm doing this! All steps to my God-given path!
Keep this up and I may actually get my business going too!

In addition, Dante and I hashed out out issue last night...after NOT talking all day. I won't go into all the details, but I will say he's got some baggage that he needs to unpack eventually. It was truly a case of one person reminding you of something another person (that hurt you) used to do. You completely overreact to the new person! I explained to him as understandingly as I could that I am not her, he's known me for enough time to know that I am not that way, and I don't want to be punished for things she did or didn't do.

You know the suck thing about long distance arguments?? It ruins the make-up period!!

Now, for the biggest part of this post:

Transformers 2 was OMFG Awesome!!!!!!

It was so far beyond what I could have expected! Action, comedy, drama, and I even got a little misty-eyed at one point! As much as I L-O-V-E the first one, I can honestly say this one is even better!!!
Just go see it!!!

p.s. Happy Birthday Sensation! Love You Man!

June 22, 2009

This Has Not Been A Good Day

It started out okay. DJ went on his overnight camping trip. That was fine.

I found out I wouldn't get to make up a spanish quiz I missed Saturday. Not fine.

Work started out going well, then halfway through my shift my DSL croaked! I missed the last hour of that shift, no showed an hour and a half of the next shift before I was finally able to give up the rest of my hours that day. I have a service tech coming sometime tomorrow, since they couldn't solve the problem over the phone. Anytime between 8a-5p, which means I had to give up my shifts for tomorrow also. VERY, VERY NOT FINE.

Had a nice time at my friend Ann's house. She braided the girls' hair and we watched a couple of Tyler Perry movies. Turns out she and Dante went to all the same catholic schools growing up...and graduated the same year. Small world yet again!

Speaking of, Dante and I surely didn't end on a good note tonight. I asked him a question about some money that I loaned him and he just completely bit my head off!! My guess is that I upset him by asking about it (not for it, just about it), since it was hard for him to ask me in the first place. So what does he do, makes a crack about "that's why I need someone financially stable...."
Blah, blah, blah is all I heard after that. Needlesstosay, we didn't stay on the phone but a few more minutes after that. After I sat here for about 5 minutes, I called him back to kind of apologize if I made him feel uncomfortable by asking about it. Guess who didn't answer my call?!

That honestly hurt for him to say something so purposely cruel like that. So I told him just don't worry about it, I don't need it, and I'm not as financially destitute as he seems to think I am! Yeah, that was my reaction to what he said. Hurt and offended deeply.

None of us are perfect. I'll sleep on it and tomorrow's a new day.

The Best Revenge for Naysayers?


June 21, 2009

Did I Mention I Was Dramatic!!

Okay, okay. Let's blame most of the last couple of days on hormones, shall we? Thanks for understanding.

I talked to Dante finally this evening at about 7p, which was VERY shocking because that's totally not like him. I mean honestly, even if he was with someone else, most likely I wouldn't know because we'd be texting most of the day. So this was completely abnormal. I went from being pissed off thinking that all of a sudden he had completely switched personalities to become this rude and calloused player to being worried that he was perhaps moping because today was Father's Day and he was hoping to be a father by now. OR that something had actually happened to him.

It was the Father's Day thing. Plus the fact that he played in a softball tournament yesterday from 8a until almost 8p...in about 95 degree weather! He was completely drained from that, as was the rest of the team. He said they got together around 4p today to watch the US Open...cause that's what time most of them were waking up!!!

So I am much better now. I am planning one final trip down there at the end of July. He would be home about 3 weeks after that. I did mean the things I said about the other women and excessive texts and all that. While I will try to be patient enough to let him make it through this transition, I will let him know there are things that will no longer be acceptable. He'll have me as much as he wants (literally and figuratively). Therefore, there is no longer a need for conversations with anyone else that calls you baby, sweetie, lover, or any other pet name BUT ME!!!! Be friends from a distance, say 'hey' every now and again...but I expect those women to be phased out of his life. Not my girl June though, he can definitely keep her! She's cool as a fan. He definitely made me feel comfortable around her, and I love him for that. Heck, come to think of it, I love him for a lot of things!

I am really screwing up in school right now! Week 4 (ie halfway point) is starting now and I will be back on track!!! Nothing less than a 'B'. Nothing less than a 'B'. Nothing less than a 'B'.

Gotta Get Back To Normal

Freaking out today. Because I haven't heard from Dante since yesterday afternoon. I missed his call last night at about 720p while I was outside at grandmother's house. I called back when I saw it at 8p but no answer home or cell. Sent a goodnight text message at 11p. Nada. He sent a good morning text at about 7a to say he had passed out last night, he just woke up but was still sleepy so he would "ttyl". Just because of the mood I'm in and the things I'm feeling I responded simply, "K".

I've called more than once to both phones and I've sent a text since then...and it's now 3P in the afternoon!

Of course I'm thinking he's with another woman!!! With all that I've told you....you would think it too! Could it be the 'hater' Shontell (real name cuz I don't care jack about her!)? Or perhaps it's the newest (or not as new as I think) player with the 'good morning baby' text I saw last week?

The world may never know....

I've got to get my head together! I can't live like this for the next 2 months!

June 20, 2009

Trying to Be Better

I have so much going on in my head right now. I'm a little better than I was the other day, but not much. Unfortunately, we had a conversation about 'most men' thinking a woman with four kids is "damaged goods". Of course he assured me that he doesn't think that way, but most of the men he's talked to wouldn't even give a woman with 4 kids the time of day. I assured him that I have no problem getting the time of day in the past or the present! Honestly, my hang up was more to do with the stigma I put on my own self, not anything someone else has said. I have never been rejected due to the amount of children I have.

I know that his intention was not to date a woman with children, as my intention was not to date a man that didn't have any. But, I feel like we are so good for each other that apparently we would've BOTH missed out had we held onto that belief!

In other news, I am torn on the workfront. There are now other opps coming up that I can possibly train for (if selected), but I don't know if I want to tie up so much of my time that way. If I have two opps, plus school, plus household, plus church responsibilities...then when would I have time for my business??? I have an opportunity to make more money with my business most definitely, so I know I should concentrate on that. So I'm trying to focus on that, and breaking down this fear factor I still have.

Plus, let's not forget that the possible sale date for this place is coming in less than two weeks. So that's a big peice of anxiety for me right now. I mean thankfully, because of the bill the prez passed, I wouldn't be forced to leave (if at all) until October at the earliest. That gives me some relief.

I'm just in a place of anxiety and discomfort right now, and I have to change what I can and accept what I can't. Right?

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will direct your paths.

Proverbs 3, 5-6


June 19, 2009

He Came, He Went, We Enjoyed Thoroughly

Dante left yesterday morning. It was a very good visit. As I mentioned before, he also found out he did not get promoted so he will getting out of the military in a couple of months. Because he has so much leave still on the books, he will actually be home around mid-August for good. I know! It's hard to believe that after almost 2 years, this won't be a long distance relationship anymore!

Yes, that does bring on a bit of anxiety...for both of us. I assume that now that we will closer geographically, then things should begin to progress more for us relationally and emotionally. Then I also worry that we won't cut it as a couple if he's close. What if he gets here and after a few months of the day-to-day life, realize this really isn't what he wants. I've been told a time or three that it's not me, it's getting used to someone with kids that's a big issue for him. I told him last night not to prolong the inevitable in an attempt not to hurt me, because those "best intentions" are usually what cause more pain in the end. I'm just being honest.

We had a great talk before he left, well into the wee hours of the morning. I finally told him something I had been wanting to say for a very long time. I told him I really hated his phone! Not the brand, or the way it rings, but the way it makes me feel. I told him I actually feel like I have to compete with the phone. Not so much because he's always on it, but moreso because I don't know what other women I am competing with on the other end! We talked until almost 2 in the morning...and do you know he was still getting text messages that whole time!!! I realize now that I should have been furious at the time, but I try to be so slow to anger that I probable hurt myself more than anything. What I should have done is got up and walked the hell outta the room! I would NEVER do that to him! When did I become such a doormat! That was not okay! As I told him that night, when that phone is going off all day and night, I KNOW it's not a Marine texting! I still don't think that was a Marine taking up all of MY TIME when we were at dinner in Atlanta that night! Talk about feeling "not good enough"!!! Honestly, if I come in the room and see him on that phone it bothers me instantly, because I know who it probably is.

I even made a point to tell him that my phone and my life is open to him. He can pick up my phone at any time and look in it...CAUSE I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE. Guess who can't say the same thing? His phone is locked and password protected! Which I very clearly pointed out makes me assume there's something in there he doesn't want me to see! Didn't get a response to that one...shocking! What I was trying to get across to him is that I made the decision to be committed to him...and ONLY him. I expected that by now we would be on the same page. Then he reminds me of the "understanding" that we had about me knowing that he has women friends that he talks to and hangs out with.

I'm gonna stop now because I am getting a little upset just writing about it! I feel like the more I "talk" this out it makes me realize that I have been allowing this man to cheat on me and disrespect me. Just in case it's not clear how he's disrespected me:

While you're with the woman you say you love and care for deeply, you can't stop sending text messages back and forth to at least one woman who very obviously wants to be in a relationship with you, that you are calling 'your friend'. Well when she sends text messages that say 'Are You Okay Baby' (yeah, that one) ...she is obviously trying to be (or maybe already is) more than a friend! It's disrespectful to the person you are with to even allow a situation like that to persist. Noone else should be sending messages to you saying 'Good Morning Baby' (I looked once, different person) but the person you are involved with...PERIOD!!!!! But that's just MY opinion!

I'll try to be more positive later, I promise! I really did enjoy our time together...and that fact that he spent basically the WHOLE VISIT here with me and the kids was awesome! I wouldn't have even dreamed about asking that! He gave me a break and took the the kids out to eat. That shows me that he's really trying on that front. I know how it is when you are completely set against something, it can take a while to get to the other side. I just hope he understands that he won't be just 'my husband' if it progresses to that point. He will be a father figure to some of my kids and a full-on dad to the others. That costs nothing but time and emotions. I've been taking care of my kids alone for a while now, so I'm not looking at him like a gravy train. I'm looking for someone who can make that all-important emotional connection with them. A surefire way to my heart is through my kids.

June 18, 2009

I Finally Did It!

I joined choir at church today! I actually had a dream about going to choir practice on Friday night, and opened email on Saturday to tell me there would be an informational meeting on Sunday! You're right! I definitely took that as my cue!

What a huge commitment this will be! We have 3 services and the choir performs at all three on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. Then after service, we have rehearsal from 1-3p! I told you, a big commitment! I'm ready though! God gave me the gift and I will use it to worship Him! I'm even stretching out farther by being a soprano!

Church was awesome today! The pastor is on a "Fear To Faith" series which is definitely hitting home! I've been using my iPod during church as my bible, which is so cool!

June 13, 2009

Back to Work

Well, I passed my certification, so I am officially on the phones now! WooHoo!! My first day taking calls was today...not-so-great. My talk time was extremely high, which made me feel like a failure. I will continue to work on that. Classes are going okay so far. Finishing up training put my schoolwork on the back burner a bit. I should be ok though, gotta stay dedicated.

My Sweetie made it into town Thursday! It's his 20year high school reunion this weekend, so that was the main reason he was here. He also found out yesterday that he didn't get promoted like he had hoped, so he will be getting out of the USMC in a few months. I really felt for him and I wish I could have done more to cheer him up. We've been mainly just enjoying each other's company, it's really great.

He did a very awesome thing tonight, which was take my four brats plus his neice and nephew to Dave & Buster's to eat and play! Told me he was giving me a break! Yes, I know!!!! SO SWEET! He will definitely be rewarded for that! (wink)

He out doing more reunion stuff now. I kinda felt weird that he didn't think to invite me to anything. I mean, if it was me, I would definitely invite the person that I am with. Maybe that's just me though. Perhaps he just didn't really think about it. You know I am slightly paranoid about our level of visibility as a couple (in his world at least). As a matter of fact, not too long ago we had a conversation that he felt lonely at the banquet because everyone else was there with spouses and SOs and he was there by himself. Then he said he would have asked but he knows how it is with me and babysitting! I assured him that he is a priority to me, this was a very important event, and I for damn sure would have found a babysitter! I made a gently firm request to never assume anything like that again.

I think we're clear now.

June 9, 2009

On the Phones Again...

My first day on the phones went great! Okay, make that pretty good. My talk time was high, but that's mainly due to learning my resources. I didn't really blow any though I don't think. I thought I would have some feedback by now in the form of an email, but nothing thus far, so I guess she'll talk about it tomorrow.

I'll let you know how tomorrow goes.

June 8, 2009

Great and Informative Article

Why am referencing this article about renters in foreclosure, you ask? Well according to documents I have come across over the last few months, I am one of them!!

The first set of foreclosure docs were sent in three different envelopes, and two of them were never sealed. Yep, I sure did! I Looked!! Boy was I surprised at what I saw! My home was in foreclosure!!! Then, just this weekend, I came across another set of docs from some place with The Judicial Sales Corporation as the return address. Well after googling them and finding their website, I knew I had to open one of the copies of mail!

Once again, shocked and awed to find out that this property will be sold on July 1 in the lobby of my local courthouse! Do you think my landlords have said a word? Do you think they have said anything about the fact that the rent I've paid recently has not gone to secure a roof over my family's head? Nope! Nada!

Oh, and the landlords never changed certain items addresses from my unit in the duplex (their former residence), that's how I get access to these things. Otherwise, I would have been dangerously in the dark until I got a notice to vacate on my darn door!

So as it stands, I will be going to the courthouse on July 1 to find out who my new landlord may be! At least thanks to that article, I know I have at least 90days to find a new place to live!

No worries though! You know me: A setback is just a setup for a comeback! Just like I cat I am, I ALWAYS (with God's help of course) land on my feet! And as Les Brown would say: "If you have to fall, try to land on your back. For as long as you can LOOK UP, you can GET UP!"

Amen to that!

June 6, 2009

Final is Passed!

I got a 93 on my final for my Sears training class! All that's left is live certification on Tuesday and Wednesday! After that, as Dante said, it's time to "Get Money!"


Okay, Okay. I know I said summer is here and I'm all excited but, THIS makes me anxious for November:

I actually screamed out loud when I saw it! So far, that is exactly the way the book went! I CANNOT WAIT!!!

June 5, 2009

Summer's In Full Swing!

This has been a good week. Class is going well. Training is going well. I take my final this weekend and certification calls next Tuesday and Wednesday. The plan is to be making money by Thursday!

Monday I still want to go to the Y to check on scholarship options for me and the kids. I've been doing good the past couple of days eating healthy and very light. As a matter of fact, I went to McDonald's today and bought the kids meal, but didn't eat one single fry! That's right! I came home and made me a stir fry plate of eggplant, cabbage, broccoli, bell peppers, mushrooms, and asparagus instead! Then later on after that food settled (and honestly, I really felt full), I had some macerated strawberries (fresh sliced strawberries mixed with Splenda and a some balsamic vinegar) over a 1/4 cup of ricotta cheese.

According to my iPod Touch application called "Lose It!", I consumed approximately 421 calories today!

No, not hungry at all actually. Think I might keep this up for a while longer...

June 3, 2009

People are Strange Sometimes

So my nieces didn't show up yesterday morning. I didn't remember the Officer saying she was off. I talked to her that evening, and what she told me really threw me for a loop.
She told that she was taking her daughter to grandmother's house while she was working, until Leigh is out for the summer. Then they will stay with her. Until my Dante helped me see it as a positive thing, I will admit the sensitive side was slightly offended. I mean, my grandmother is 88 years old. All they're gonna do is sit in the house all day. There will be no going outside, that's not even a question. Then, Leigh just had a baby not too long ago, and is in the process of having her kitchen redone. PLUS, let's not forget she watched them all last summer too!

I know the Officer said something the other day about being broke. Perhaps because they are in such a habit of paying me (or because she knows I am not going to a j.o.b. everyday), they think I am in NEED of the money they pay me. I am not. I have told them several times before that the money wasn't necessary, and I never ask them for it. So my only guess is that she thinks I would have a hard time with them being here without paying me.

But nonetheless, my Dante set me straight. He just told me to look at it as a positive thing. Let them work out whatever details for themselves. Cool with me!

June 2, 2009

School's Out!

Champagne graduated kindergarten today. It wasn't a formal ceremony or anything. We just observed them showing off some of their academic skills for their parents/loved ones. Then each child in the class got a certificate for something, which I really liked. Bruzer went with me since his last day at school was Friday.

I made little cards for DJ and Starr with their name, phone number and email address on it to give to their friends. Then we came home and I got back online for training. The kids went out to play.
Now I'm off to do more studying!

Life is good!