June 22, 2009

This Has Not Been A Good Day

It started out okay. DJ went on his overnight camping trip. That was fine.

I found out I wouldn't get to make up a spanish quiz I missed Saturday. Not fine.

Work started out going well, then halfway through my shift my DSL croaked! I missed the last hour of that shift, no showed an hour and a half of the next shift before I was finally able to give up the rest of my hours that day. I have a service tech coming sometime tomorrow, since they couldn't solve the problem over the phone. Anytime between 8a-5p, which means I had to give up my shifts for tomorrow also. VERY, VERY NOT FINE.

Had a nice time at my friend Ann's house. She braided the girls' hair and we watched a couple of Tyler Perry movies. Turns out she and Dante went to all the same catholic schools growing up...and graduated the same year. Small world yet again!

Speaking of, Dante and I surely didn't end on a good note tonight. I asked him a question about some money that I loaned him and he just completely bit my head off!! My guess is that I upset him by asking about it (not for it, just about it), since it was hard for him to ask me in the first place. So what does he do, makes a crack about "that's why I need someone financially stable...."
Blah, blah, blah is all I heard after that. Needlesstosay, we didn't stay on the phone but a few more minutes after that. After I sat here for about 5 minutes, I called him back to kind of apologize if I made him feel uncomfortable by asking about it. Guess who didn't answer my call?!

That honestly hurt for him to say something so purposely cruel like that. So I told him just don't worry about it, I don't need it, and I'm not as financially destitute as he seems to think I am! Yeah, that was my reaction to what he said. Hurt and offended deeply.

None of us are perfect. I'll sleep on it and tomorrow's a new day.

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