June 21, 2009

Did I Mention I Was Dramatic!!

Okay, okay. Let's blame most of the last couple of days on hormones, shall we? Thanks for understanding.

I talked to Dante finally this evening at about 7p, which was VERY shocking because that's totally not like him. I mean honestly, even if he was with someone else, most likely I wouldn't know because we'd be texting most of the day. So this was completely abnormal. I went from being pissed off thinking that all of a sudden he had completely switched personalities to become this rude and calloused player to being worried that he was perhaps moping because today was Father's Day and he was hoping to be a father by now. OR that something had actually happened to him.

It was the Father's Day thing. Plus the fact that he played in a softball tournament yesterday from 8a until almost 8p...in about 95 degree weather! He was completely drained from that, as was the rest of the team. He said they got together around 4p today to watch the US Open...cause that's what time most of them were waking up!!!

So I am much better now. I am planning one final trip down there at the end of July. He would be home about 3 weeks after that. I did mean the things I said about the other women and excessive texts and all that. While I will try to be patient enough to let him make it through this transition, I will let him know there are things that will no longer be acceptable. He'll have me as much as he wants (literally and figuratively). Therefore, there is no longer a need for conversations with anyone else that calls you baby, sweetie, lover, or any other pet name BUT ME!!!! Be friends from a distance, say 'hey' every now and again...but I expect those women to be phased out of his life. Not my girl June though, he can definitely keep her! She's cool as a fan. He definitely made me feel comfortable around her, and I love him for that. Heck, come to think of it, I love him for a lot of things!

I am really screwing up in school right now! Week 4 (ie halfway point) is starting now and I will be back on track!!! Nothing less than a 'B'. Nothing less than a 'B'. Nothing less than a 'B'.

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