October 26, 2008

It;s that time of year again...

Swapping out the summer clothes for the winter ones. I get depressed right about now because, frankly, I despise winter!! It's just that simple! I don't like being cold...Period! And no amount of snuggling or hot chocolate or any of that other BS people say will change that for me!

It is so windy outside today, that means cold air is coming. I finally broke down a couple of days ago and turned on the heat inside. I knew I was being ridiculous when I was sitting at the computer typing and had to keep stopping and blowing into my hands to warm them up! Mind you, it doesn't take much for my hands to get cold, if that's any consolation.

So times are pretty interesting right now. Bills are piling up a bit, but the major ones are covered so that's what matters. I mean really, who's bills aren't looking bad right now? But you know what? My mindset has changed drastically, and I am ready to overcome so that I can reach the level that I want to be at.

I went to one of my former co-worker's house on Friday night and just to see my kids reactions told me what I really wanted. Her house was very large and in a pretty new subdivision. Huge rooms, on a cul-de-sac, 3 car garage...you know the drill. But, I know where she works and how much she makes, and that she doesn't have to work so the husband must make pretty decent money. But you know, not too long, that house would have been a "dream house" for me. Something I could only wish for. Not anymore. That type of house is my goal. That's what I want my first house to be, and not very far from now either.

I can see it clear as day, and that's something I couldn't see before. Progress as promised!!

1 comment:

Dancing B*a*g Lady said...

I have much admiration for solo moms. My husband has been working away from home and only home every other weekend. It's been 1 1/2 years now.

I have 2 children at home and one in college. Keep dreaming and taking action.