December 21, 2008

It's Almost Here

Yes, in a few days it will be Christmas! I finally put up the tree this evening! Still needs decorating, but it's a prelit tree, so that kinda helps! I even put a few red velvet bows on the outside railing, so now me and my duplex-mate match! I also rearranged my living room today as well. Oh no, this was not a minor switching-of-the-couch-and-loveseat kinda change. This was an everything-that-can-be-moved-will-be-moved kinda change! I am well pleased with it.

Whaddaya mean "Who helped me"?!?!?! Did you not see the name of this blog?

SOLOMOMMY, thankyouverymuch!

Okay, okay...the kids helped a little. They moved the toys that were in the corner out of the living room, and DJ sweep-vac'd the floor (which is his daily job anyway). But all the furniture moving and carrying of 32" TVs (old school, not flat-panel) from one room to the next was ALL ME!! Why yes...I am very proud of that!

Went to church this morning, then to Aldi to pick up a few things. That was all I could manage, considering it was like 13degrees outside with a windchill of -10 degrees to go with it!! Church was great this morning, I am really getting into it there. Last Sunday I arrived just in time to completely miss praise and worship, so I was a bit bummed about that. But I made it in time today, plus got to hear the message about "The Indescribable Gift of Christmas is Jesus Christ".
Came home and kind of lounged. There is an actual ton of laundry to do, but since I have to go outside to access the basement where the washer and dryer are there was none done today!! I'm also in the process of giving this place a good once-over clean & clutterwise too. I have quite a bit to see the goodwill tomorrow already, and will likely have more.

I did a little Christmas shopping with my sister Leigh yesterday. I ended scoring stocking stuffers and decorations mostly. Plus, I got Starr the art set she wanted and a couple of paper pads too. The "real" paper pads, like one specifically for watercolors and the other that's best for "dry media". She really is a good artist, and I want to continue to feed that in her. As far as toys go, what a blessing for Dante to have gotten so many things from their Christmas list this year! I hardly have to buy anything, which is a plus cause I won't have money til the day after Christmas! lol

He was even able to procure Starr a bike from a local bike drive they had. Yes, in case you are wondering, these gifts came from the US Marine Corps Toys for Tots program. No, I don't feel bad or like I'm abusing the privilege because of who he is. Honestly, had it not been for him, my kids Christmas wouldn't be so great at all. So, what I do feel is divinely blessed to have him in my life to do this for my children. But, I'll tell you a little secret. My prayer to God was that I could be a giver next year instead a receiver. And you know what? I believe God grants us the desires of our hearts, as long as it follows in line with His perfect will for our lives.

My Punkin will be here in a few days, and I can hardly wait! Just being in his embrace after a little time away is like a cold glass of water after a terribly long drought! Or better yet:

Take a deep breath in and hold it for a second. Now exhale slowly and completely, letting your shoulders and body relax in the process.

Feel that?

That's what's it's like in my Punkin's arms for me!

I really am falling, aren't I?

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