October 29, 2009

So Mad At Myself

I've had a crappy day. I've been so mad at myself today. Even had a pity party for a while. Why?

Because I am so sick and tired of this saboteur inside of me that consistently ROBS me of my dreams!

My so-called comfort zone is still set to 'Struggling Mode', so no matter what I get, I will subconciously get myself back to that point.

How am I gonna get my Denali like that??

But, I'm done with the pity party. I'm tired of being mad at myself. I need to turn this anger and frustration inward and FIX ME!!!

You know what? I will too!!

I am gonna start keeping a written money journal. I am also gonna keep better track of my goals, and make sure that my daily actions are moving towards achieving them. Lisa on Real Housewives of Atlanta said it best: "If it doesn't make me money, I'm not doing it."

Since noone else will hold me to the fire on this, I'll hold my damn self accountable!!

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