October 30, 2009

Better Than To Tell A Lie

Dante and I had a great talk to really clear the air from what happened in my last post. Part of it was that I was having a bad day and he knew I was having a bad day. So a part of my mind was like "see how much he cares about you"! But we cleared up alot. I asked the tough questions and got the honest answers. He knows exactly how I feel about the situation, but that I'm willing to deal with it for a minute longer until he decides where he wants to live. I tried to explain it to the BFF but I don't know how well I did. I know she doesn't like it and thinks that he should just be faithful (so do I), but sometimes life just isn't that simple. Hell, most times it's not.
I'm feeling better than I was about myself yesterday too, I just know I have to really get it together. I'm tired of letting myself down. Noone can do that for me, but me.
I'm VERY excited, because I am going to a party tonight. Yes, me, to a Halloween party! What am I going to be?

Miss America, of course! It totally fits me, that's what everyone else has said! Hey, all I did was wear one of my previously unworn evening gowns, make a sash with Miss America on it, and wear one of the two tiaras I already have! Simple and cheap, that works for me!

I hope I have as good of a time as I am hoping to. Lord knows I need it!!!

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