August 16, 2007

What A Doll!

Cody makes some gorgeous kids! I wish I had a picture of his first daughter, always known to me as Jazzy. Her mother was (as we say in the 'hood) "to'e up from the flo up"! But what a pretty little girl she was. Thank goodness she took after her dad!

Yeah, uh-huh, I'm mean. Whatever! What's your point? (solo-mommy smirks)

Fast forward a whole lotta years to his newest daughter, Taylor. Just as cute. Got to really see the mother last night on some video footage he shot. My only words for him were, "Why do you seem to find the most hoodrat chicks you can to have babies by?!" As he explains it, the boobs got him! Boy did they ever!

Anyway, here's they're cutey, Little Miss Taylor:

Granted, she's 13 months now (and still cute). But if you can be that cute as a newbie, it's gotta be all uphill from there!

Case in point: Here's another very adorable little baby that Cody and I could have easily made together back in the day:

And this is what she looks like at 4 years old:

She's a little crispy from the summer sun but, even on a bad hair day, she's gorgeous! It really is exhausting being so cute all the time. Trust me, I know!!!!

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