September 27, 2006

The Diet Pill and Me

So I was feeling rather huge about a month ago, while on my lunch break at work. I decided to stop at a nutrition supplement store to check on their popular diet pill combo. I talked to the clerk, who was very knowledgeable and polite. I read the comparison charts and all the ingredients, including which ingredient does what. Then, I made an impulse buy. Yep, I did it! I paid $80(plus tax of course) for 2 bottles of weight loss aids.

The results? Well you did see my previous post right? If not, here's a refresher. So what happened, you ask? Probably like all those other diet pills that are just a scam, right? To be fair to the manufacturers, I can't say that. The one pill was an appetite suppressant, Hoodia Gordonii. I can say with 100% truth that I wasn't hungry. That did not stop me from eating. I found out that I eat through boredom or complacency. I sit at a desk all day at work, so you know what that means. Eating for the sake of chewing and swallowing! Heaven forbid there may be a food day that day! Seriously, like cakes and donuts and breads and...did I mention cake and donuts? Not just any donuts! Krispy Kreme!!! If I don't eat them I'm fine. Before this binge, it had been a few months. I swear! But food day, I had half a dozen over the course of my work day! So, I'm grounded again. Self-punishment is not always a bad thing!

So, if I hadn't eaten JUNK all those times I wasn't really hungry, I'd probably be down at least 10 pounds by now. So I would say that the diet pills could be effective, just not for a nervous or bored eater like me. So this $80 experiment has proven to me that diet and exercise is the ONLY way for me!

South Beach and TotalGym XL Rule (at least---they will when I start!!!)

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