August 15, 2008

New Beginnings

Yep, that's right. Today was Champagne's last day of preschool. School starts next week! I've gotten so used to taking her to daycare that I can't imagine her actually in school! But, it's coming whether I like it or not. So, guess I should just go ahead and start liking it huh??

I took pictures in the morning with her and some of her teachers, and some of her friends. Then when I picked them up this evening I took more pics of her in her classroom. I also took one of Bruzer with one of the long-time teachers that was leaving today. Then, as we were leaving, I had him take one with his friend who is starting Kindergarten next week. Bruzer won't go back to school til probably Thursday. School starts on Wednesday, but I figure he'll be a little upset with the 3 older ones going to 'big kid school', so I may keep him with me during the day. We'll see.

Today was a good day. I worked a little, but not too much. Wayne and I had a good conversation, as usual. Right now we are just concentrating on being more friends than anything. He knows that I have feelings for Dante, and there is nothing I will do at this point to jeopardize that. Better still, is that he respects that. I tried to talk to Dante tonight about what we were, but I suppose my timing was lousy or he didn't really have an answer that he wanted to give or he couldn't talk at the moment. I don't know, but I put some things out there, and no answers were really given. But I am glad I did. There was a time not too long ago that I was actually afraid to say how I felt or ask if our affair was headed somewhere, for fear that would cause it to abruptly end. But things are different now. I am different now. No it has nothing to do with Wayne, and everything to do with me.
I truly believe that Dante and I would remain friends after out affair ended, as long as it was mutual and not messy. So, in essence, that fear of losing him that I had is really completely without merit. That's what kept me from asking the 'what if' and the 'what are we' questions that have been burning in the back of mind for so long. I didn't get answers tonight. But if I know him, that means he is thinking, and formulating an answer for a later time.

Time will tell....

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