August 6, 2008

The Remake

Okay, so I realized today I have really become a slacker. You know what else? It doesn't even have that much to do with not working outside the home. That's one of the things in my life that actually makes me very happy. It has happened over a period of a year at least. Just being lazy. Waking up getting dressed from the neck down very well. But from the neck up, just barely making it by. Thank goodness I am naturally beautiful, as I always say! lol

I pull my hair back in a bun everyday. Let me say that again......EVERYDAY. I have always been fascinated with long flowing hair, and there was a time when people would have had me committed for wearing my hair up so much! Now, I just want to feel 'put together' more than anything. Know what I just did today? I washed my hair and deep conditioned it. Then I spent about 2 hours total pulling KNOTS out of my head! I had gotten so damn lazy that I actually hadn't combed through my hair in over a week! Thank goodness I don't have the kind of hair that you have to wash everyday...cause that would have been really...eww!

I am pretty sure there will be some inches lost over my laziness, yet again. It's not the first time this has happened. But I tell you this, it will be the last. I have goals, and I will achieve every last one of them. One of my goals is to look fabulous from the neck up, even if I look so-so from the neck down -- not vice-versa! If that requires a shorter but very sassy, classy cut then that's what it shall be. Then one day within the next 2 years tops, I will reach my goal of hair to the middle of my back. I've been very close before, but this time I will go all the way!

I have plenty of makeup, and so I shall get in the habit of wearing it daily. It's amazing how long it's been since I put on eye-liner! I know. So, so sad. I am full of fabulous-ness! Always have and always will. Now the time has come for me to let it out again, and this time STAY OUT!!

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