April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend in Review

What a great weekend this was! I got to see a lot more of my Punkin than I expected to! He surprised me early Friday to let me know he was about 30min away! He was there all day, until the next morning when he left to play softball with his cousins! Of course the bedroom antics were primo, as usual, but it is also very nice having him for such extended quantities of time.

Saturday was Leigh's baby shower, so I was doing that all day. We had a great time, she had a wonderful turnout. Good food and family...it really doesn't get much better than that. I left there a little early though because Dante was held up in North St. Louis longer than expected, and he wasn't going to make it back in time to pick up his suit from the cleaners before it closed. Let me just say this: my baby takes his dressing very seriously! He even had me calling around trying to find the perfect shoes to match the suit! I know, I know...it does seem a little suspect. But please trust me on this one, he is 100% Grade A Male! There is no 'sweet marbling' through his meat, if you know what I mean! When he goes through the trouble to look good, he makes damn sure he looks good!! So, I retrieved the suit and he got the shoes in time. Easter was saved!

He was supposed to spend that night with me, but I knew he wouldn't. Just had a feeling you know? He sent me a text beforehand to ask if I would mind if he took a shower at my place. Yeah, I thought it was strange too. Of course, he could have just been being funny. But then later it ended up him staying at his mom's house (whom I still haven't met yet) to get ready for Easter. It's like a 40 minute one-way drive to her place, so that makes a difference as well. I didn't necessarily expect to see him on Easter, because that's just how it is. What do I mean? Well, his family time is his family and, at least so far, neither the two shall meet. However, he kept wanting updates on what I was doing and what time I was headed home. I went to Grandmother's after church (which was wonderful). So that led me to believe he had plans for us to see each other that evening. So, I kept my clothes on all day.

That's not normal for me, FYI.

Usually when I get home from church, I change immediately. But this time I kept my contacts in and my clothes on and my makeup on, because I wanted him to see me that way. Kind of ruined the effect when I didn't see him until 1150pm though. As I told him later, I would have been fine of I wasn't led to believe that we would see each other earlier than we did. The kids were on Spring Break so no school that Monday. He told me that I had all that day with him, and he was leaving for Memphis at 5a Tuesday morning! I actually squealed with delight I was so excited! Well, that was dampened a bit on Monday when I lost him for about 6 hours to his cousin!

Hey, I am who I am. If you tell me it's gonna be me and you, then silly me is gonna believe you mean exactly that. Part of the problem is that I still don't feel like an integral part of his life, where his family is concerned at least. As I told him that evening, I don't feel like I am ever made a priority over family for him. Even though he later explained that since his cousin was doing something for me free of charge, he figured the least he could do is oblige him with whatever help he needed. Mind you , so much of that started off wrong when I answered the phone to his cell number on caller ID and heard him a woman having a conversation in the background! That immediately gave me flashbacks of my time with Roy, where his cell phone (that I paid for) called me from his pocket and I would hear him trying to talk to some random girl! Okay, granted the convo between Dante and the mystery woman was about getting gas, but still! Flashbacks, nonetheless!

So, when he got back I was just getting my emotions back to normal, though because so much time had passed without a call I was pissed off. I don't like being angry. I like to control my temper. I am trying really hard at that, especially with the kids (who, naturally catch the most of it), so I didn't say much when he came in. I was reading another Karen Kingsbury book and watching you-know-what for the 2nd time in a row, to which he rolled his eyes! When the credits started rolling he put in something else and wanted to come sit by me, which I brushed him off about completely, so he went back to where he was sitting before.

One thing I've noticed about him in the two times we've had a disagreement is that he'll be ready to leave at a moment's notice. I don't like that. I am not the yelling, throwing things, cursing-you-out type. In other words, he don't like the drama, and will avoid it all costs! Thing is, neother do I. I would much rather talk things out that get 'ugly'. That's exactly what we did. I say exactly what I am thinking and feeling now. Before, when I sometimes still felt like a contestant on Flavor of Love/Rock of Love/For the Love of Ray J (take your pick), I was careful not to say the wrong thing...for fear of being "eliminated" and categorized as one of those kinda chicks. I know, I know, it's silly but true. Now though, I can only be myself. Everything we say to each other is not going to be well received. Period. We can either accept that or move on.

The best thing about a disagreement is the making up later. Man! There was an intensity that just kicked us over the top!! W-O-W is all I can say!!! I hated to fall asleep that night for sure, but what a blissful sleep it was! I woke him up to leave that morning and...yep you guessed it! Rollover!! (that is a requirement for us!) My neices were in the living room sleeping by then but did that stop me? Heck no!! We turned up the music, hopefully that was enough! :-)

Did I say it was GREAT WEEKEND?


Anonymous said...

AND what kind of person has sex while there neices are in the house. Now that is disgusting.

Signed never reading this playboy magazine again!

Solo-Mommy said...

That's what's wrong with most relationships and marriages today as it is! The intimacy between the couple gets put on hold because of kids, or jobs, or life or whatever! Just so you know, people have sex with children in the home every day...that's how their children get siblings! :-)

Have a great day!