April 5, 2009

Mom's Out

She went home Saturday evening. They tried to release her at like 9p on Friday night but, her blood pressure was 205/90!! I seriously think that was in the stroke range. Talk about a malpractice suit waiting to happen...

I told her very seriously that the smoking has to stop. It is no longer a matter of it helping her health in the long run. It is now a matter of her consciously killing herself by still lighting up. I told her those exact words, I didn't want to sugar coat it at all. I meant every word too. I do not want to lose my mother anytime soon. And - just as important - I couldn't bear to watch my grandmother outlive another one of her children. She's already done it twice...and she only had four children, for pete's sake! Maybe I should phrase it to mom that way...

In other news, today was Palm Sunday at church. It was a very good and engaging program today, talking about the bridge. The Bridge, of course, being Jesus Christ; since the only way to the Father is through the Son. Pastor also made a point to mention the sacrifice that God made made by allowing His son to die in our place for our sins and transgressions. I mean, who hasn't heard of John 3:16, right? "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..."
Yeah, that one. But have you ever really thought out the pain that must've caused God to see His son suffer and die...all for the sake of "everyone else"?? Could you do it? Then they played this short movie, and I swear there was a lot of sniffling when it went off. When you read that verse, it's easy to see it from a general and subjective point of view. This video really put it in 'layman's terms', as the saying goes.

MOST The Movie from Dano Magazine on Vimeo.

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