April 3, 2009

Mom's Been in the Hospital

She thinks she was having a heart attack. After having dealt with the pain since 1030p the night before, waking up with it, and going to work...then realizing it wasn't getting better, she finally excused herself and headed to the hospital. I got the call from Leigh and, since she wasn't able to go up there, I went. No matter that I had planned to start work on my new project that day...it was my mom, you know?

I got there while she was still in the waiting room, so she must not have been there very long. Usually with chest pains, triage gets them pretty speedily. She said they had already done the mobile EKG. She ended up getting three nitroglycerin pills before the pain subsided, then she was put on a nitro patch for continuous dosing every 6 hours. The "patch" was actually what looked like a piece of wax paper with thick cream on it, that was laid flat on the skin (cream-side down) then taped in place with sterile tape! Pretty high tech, huh?? She was hooked up to oxygen and heart monitors, and x-rays were taken and bloodwork drawn, and then they decided they were gonna keep her. They set up a cardiac catheter procedure for the next afternoon to take a look at the vessels for damage. All I know from that is there was some blockage, but not enough to do bypass surgery. I would love to know exactly how much there really is. Meanwhile, the brainiac that she is, STILL SMOKES!!!!

Heart disease and heart attacks are major news in my family. My grandmother has heart trouble. Both my uncles (my grandmothers only 2 boys) died of sudden massive coronaries. My mother has had at least one heart attack, and possibly another mild one some years back. This is really no joke, and I want her to get off the cigs period! This is ridiculous! I mean, it's like throwing gasoline on a fire!

On my own front, I haven't walked one time since I got back from my getaway. Yes, I know. I suck big time, but I have to get the habit re-established. My life really does depend on it.

Mom is supposed to get released tomorrow. They were planning to release her tonight but, when her blood pressure read 205/90, and she was on bedrest...they decided to rethink that plan! I honestly don't think I would have let her go myself. I looked at her chart, and even before the 205 reading came up, they were still all above 160/90. A few were like 183/104!! That's real bad, in case you were unsure! "Normal" blood pressure is 120/80. See the difference?

I spent all day yesterday before I had to get the kids, and then all day today after the kids' honors assembly this morning..plus I went back after I hit the grocery store for some items. The Officer volunteered to watch the kids, so Mom would have someone up there with her. I am glad I was there.

I will get into my project a little this weekend though, that's for sure. But only after Mom is home safely.

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