May 18, 2009

A Challenging Evening

Okay so here we go. Last night there was an incident with Dante where I got to listen in on what was going on at his home without him knowing. No! I didn't plant a bug! Although.....

...aaaand, I'm back!

I sent him a text message because he got off the phone sounding upset, so I wanted to know if everything was okay. Well, I guess when he touched it his iPhone to acknowledge the text (that he didn't answer), it called me. I thought he was on the phone, my kids were talking in the background plus tv so I wasn't hearing so clearly. It took me a few minutes to realize he couldn't hear me. I sent a text to ask if he could hear me. I heard his phone vibrate when the thext came through, but still nothing. That's when I heard someone else talking. It was a woman he was having a conversation with. They were talking about the playoff baskeball game that was on, really rather uneventful. But, you know our past can come back to haunt us in the strangest ways. I had a flashback of Roy again from back in the day. Listening to him telling some woman about his townhouse and his business...while the cell phone that I bought and paid for was in his pocket ON!!

There was a joke about his sheets and that's when my heart started pounding almost out of control! It wasn't anything suggestive, just enough for me to know whoever she was, she was in his bedroom! Then they went back to talking about the game. After listening for a little while longer (okay, like 16 minutes) and not hearing anything incriminating, I hung up. I sent a text message saying "call me when the game goes off and your company leaves". He sent a message not long after that, but I left my phone on the charger in another room. I heard the next text though, when he asked was I mad at him. So we went back and forth by text for a bit, but then he called to clarify what was going on. He says he had some people over watching the playoff game, though I never heard anybody but that one. When he called he was conveniently 'taking the out the trash', so he never technically talked to me while he was inside his place. He got off the phone so he could 'go back in and not be rude' to his company. Here's my thing with that: Call me rude, but if my sweetie is calling me you can be damn sure I'm not going outside of my OWN PLACE to talk to him! To make it worse, I didn't hear from him again until about 530a the next morning, asking me to call him at work.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. A little part of me is thinking it too. I mean come on! I hear a woman's voice in the apartment with him, he goes outside to talk to me, and then I don't hear from him the rest of the night????!!!!

(Alarm Bells Ringing)

Anyway long talk later that morning, I told him exactly what I said in that last paragraph. I just wanted him to know, that if he was doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing...I didn't miss it. If I choose to let it pass, that's another thing. Perhaps he could convince me that what he said was the truth about what happened last night. Perhaps...

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