May 11, 2009

Happy May!

The countdown to school being out has begun! My baby boy will be graduating from pre-K in a couple of weeks! (tear) Who knows? In a year or two I may get to do it all again...twice! Meanwhile, things are ramping up for me quite a bit!
I got selected to train for an at-home customer service position with a major retailer. It's through the company I contract through. The training costs, so I have paid that already. Class begins on the 18th of May. I am very excited, because that will be money coming into the house when unemployment insurance runs out. Plus, I've been trying to get back into a client with them since I lost the other last year. I learned my lesson!!
In addition to that, I am scheduled to start class online at Park University on June 1st, in pursuit of my Bachelor's Degree (then my MBA). Due to their open registration format, I am registered all the ways through Spring 2010. By then, I will be well into my junior year! My graduation estimate is May 2011! Only 2 years away!!! (On my way to MBA by 40!) I am so excited, it's about all I can think about!
There is also the matter of my travel business. I am making positive strides in that direction as well! I've committed to purchasing local leads online. I also would like to approach the children's principal about a flyer insert for the parents. I need to wash my van (if it ever stops raining long enough to matter) so that I can put my letters on it. My travel magnets are wearing away so I have removed them. Better not to be there than to look completely tacky, right? In it's place, I want lettering on the van I believe (still kinda debating).
I'm getting more and more positive that I can live my life the way I want to live it. I am not that hung up on a job. I have come to realize in my life that my peace and happiness is worth something too. I mean really, for the money I would be getting right now at CWT - less 10 hours per pay period due to the mandatory reduction in hours - I would be under a tremendous amount of stress right now. It's not like I would be crazy enough to feel secure in my job! On top of that, I would be looking at an additional 35-50 minutes on my one-way commute beginning in a couple of weeks to go to the main office. All that stress and LESS money too?? No Thank You! I would rather put forth the effort to build my business and clientele, hopefully while going to school full-time, so that StarrDom will support me and my family better than any job ever has!

Is that so hard to believe? Why are there so many that are programmed to think that a job is the be all and end all? I just found out in July of last year that that is completely BOGUS!! Wouldn't I be a little crazy to keep banging my head on that same wall?

I rest my case!

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