February 3, 2009

A Quick Vent

Ok, I know when I worked from 930a-6p that my sisters picked up my kids from daycares, sometimes making 2 trips, and didn't ask me for a cent to do it. I know that was for about a year straight. But I never did the things they do now! I know I didn't!

Yes, they pay me about $50 every 2 weeks to drop off and pick up their children from school. This saves them latchkey fees and, in the case of the 7th grade niece, mother's peace of mind that child is not home alone. My sisters are so much worse worriers than I could ever be, over protective to the point of overbearing in my opinion.

But geez Louise, why is it always something new with them? I just got called at 944P to ask if I can pick up my almost 17year old niece from yet another school tomorrow because Leigh will be at the doctor. She will be going to the doctor every Wednesday now, basically until delivery (ie, on or around March 20) in St. Louis. Again, the 17year old gets picked up everyday because her mother is terrified that something bad could happen if she caught the bus everyday - like hundreds of other students do everyday in the area. Let's not forget that I wait 30minutes in the car for her 7th grader to get out of school, then on Wednesdays I wait another 15 on top of that for The Officer's 5th grader to get out of band practice. So, when I pick up Champagne at 245P, I'm usually not home again with all kids until 4P!! That is a big ass chunk of my afternoon! And still I'm getting asked for more and more.

This is why it gets easier to ask them for things that I want when it comes to babysitting, because they have no problem asking me if it's something they need to do!

(breathing slowly)


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