November 21, 2006

Breakin' The Rules

See, this is my problem. I make rules, and then I bend them. No, no, not break, just kinda curve to the side a little!

I know, you're not buying it. Neither am I...really.

I was looking around at this morning, something I never really did when I created my profile. Out of four pages of very specifically matched criteria search results, I saw one! I looked all through his profile, read what he wrote, looked at the pictures, and I like! So, since I'm not a subscriber, I sent a wink. That's a very generic way of letting that person know you're interested.

I guess if he winks back, I'll do the three day free membership to get his email address and we can communicate. If he winks back.

So..... I did my crunches this morning! That counts for the good, right?


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