January 13, 2007

The Dating Game

So apparently, I'm playing it again. Kicking and screaming the whole way.

People, I don't like dating. I'm not good at dating.

So how about we not call it dating, ok? Yeah, yeah. That'll work!

Well, I think I've made some new friends. Can't say any are really love connections at this time. But perhaps because I was recently slapped into reality from The New Guy, I am bit more cautious now. My best friend would be pleased. But, unless she's reading my blog, she doesn't know...and doesn't care to know. Which is okay with me. Anyway, that's another story. We're all different, and have different ways of doing things. That's what makes us all unique, and yet the same.

First, there's Major. He's divorced with one child. Currently he is on the East Coast but comes back here once a month for his business. He owns his own company in addition the 22 years he's been in the Army. We get along well so far. We can laugh and joke very easy. There is definitely a comfortable feeling there. We chat on yahoo more than we talk on the phone, which is okay with both of us. He came in town this weekend and I got to meet him. He is my height standing face-to-face. Yes, I had on heels. I always have on heels! That doesn't bother me or him though. He's a gentleman, holding doors and things. We talked about family and world events and whatever came to mind. There was no awkwardness. We even watch the football game together. I think we'll see each other again.

Then there's PreacherMan. I have talked to him on the phone once now. We talked for about an hour. We started off laughing from the get-go, so good sign for me. He is a former US Marine (!), 12years, divorced with 3 girls (I laughed), and currently works for the state of Missouri. He is very interested in meeting me, but I want to take that one a little slower. He professes to be a minister and due to my experiences with ministers and the like (PsychoRev, the slumlord, The New Guy), I am very wary! I told him so too! We'll see what happens.

Then there is the Commander. I like him!! We have not talked at this point. We don't even have each other's phone number, on purpose. We will get online and chat for hours, and it's hard to sign off. He is very involved at his church, which is a plus for me. He is also former military, 12 or 14years I think, Army. He's 6'3", and from what I see has a very commanding presence (thus the name). He has two boys, 18 and 17. He is divorced. Y'all, one of the first times we chatted together, this man prayed! PRAYED!! It could be a ploy I know, but the prayer was wonderful...and very refreshing. He flirts a little, I flirt a little, but we keep the tone very respectable. He let me know tonight that he is not looking for a relationship right now, just a friend. Then later he confessed to me that if he was looking, I would be exactly what he was looking for, and to keep the friends option open for further developments. I thought that was cute.

That really opened my eyes to the fact that - like my best friend said- I should stop putting so much effort into dating (well, she specified online dating, which she personally doesn't like), and focus on the important stuff in my life. My kids and getting my business off the ground, for example. I am very cool with the idea of me and the guys being friends and getting to know each other first. Most especially the Commander. I definitely have some things within my own life and world that I need to get smoothed out. Then the whole dating thing will fall into place later, exactly when God says so.

I told you, I don't like dating. Dating blows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Commander may be a loser or something but I think you should listen well too him.. He may be a freak or / A FREAK which could be good or bad depends on how you wanna look at things. It appears he has your best interest at hand. When a man Praises the Lord then you have a GEM in the Newest Guy ! From Midnitewild 2007 ( HEY )