September 4, 2007

Happy Labor Day

A day late...and several dollars short, story of my life! :)

I did my barbecuing on Sunday, since I knew I had to work on Labor Day. I was the only person there for my company AT ALL. I think there were maybe 5 other people in the building altogether. I had my feet propped up and was watching episodes of Roswell Season 1 on my laptop! Cody came up to visit with me for a while, and went to Arby's and picked up something for lunch. He ended falling asleep on the loveseat very late, so he stayed over Sunday night. He was still working on getting his video completed and uploaded for this reality-challenge show he is trying out for. Please look at the link here, then please rate it highly and forward it to all you know to do the same. Thanks!

So, it's kind of goofy the way everything was set up yesterday at work, but it's their job not mine! Whatever! I had a blast being there by myself, it was very relaxing actually. Plus, when I watch Roswell, I totally escape into it. And yes, who could pass up the work fantasy, so I was a little bad, but not like you may be thinking!!!

I have to start doing the morning dash, but I will probably post more by this afternoon! Careful, you might get a pageful about my thoughts on black men right now!

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