May 3, 2008

Iron Man Really Rocked!!

It was totally worth the wait this week (and the $40 total at the theatre) to see it!

After we left there, we went to my younger sister's house. My older brother, Ray, was in town for his birthday, so they were having a dinner celebration for him. We laughed ridiculously, and had a great time. I even ate birthday cake and a little ice cream. The kids were really great too, which they usually are honestly. We stopped at Viv's house to drop off some clothes for her son that my grandmother sent, we stayed and chatted there for about an hour and a half. So by the time we got home, the kids went straight upstairs and crashed!

One eerie thing I noticed on the way to my sister's house. I had to pass PsychoRev's old street, or so I thought it was his "old street". I was sure he would have left the area by now, but I was wrong. AND, although it was a 2 bedroom apartment, I am now convinced he didn't get married as he told me he did the November immediately after we broke up for good. I never believed it anyway, but knowing he still lives in that apartment just confirms it. I guess now that he has popped into my head again, and I am completely emotionally healed from the damage he did (and that I allowed him to do), I can tell that story.... the morning. I'm going to bed!

p.s. I carried the microwave cart in the house tonight. All. By. Myself.

1 comment:

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

We just saw it too - worth it.

Loved it...