March 5, 2009

Big Day Tomorrow

I have a whole house to clean tomorrow! I am planning a barbecue for Bruzer's birthday Saturday, so that gives me a perfect excuse! If I do what I am supposed to do tomorrow, it's likely that alot of stuff will hit the trash! I may just apply the "organizer's rule" to it all: If hasn't been worn/handled/dealt with in the last 1-3 years (depending on my mood), give it away!!

Meanwhile, I walked two miles today on the course. Nice brisk pace, no trouble with the lungs either. Now, I just have to work on my eating habits again. I ate the last mini Reese's cup tonight, and I even gave away my beloved Red Hot Riplets to the kids!! I gotta get back to the beach...South Beach, that is! Yes!! As in South Beach Diet! It really worked for me. This time I just have to keep at it after Phase 2, and not put all those bad carbs (non-wheat pasta, potatoes, junk food) back in the body after I get to my ideal weight!

I may try something drastic to "jumpstart" this whole process! I will keep you posted after a couple of days, if I decide to do it.

All in all, today was a good day.

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