January 6, 2009

Back To School...and to Reality For Me

SO the kids got to go back to school for one day before ice overnight shut down all the schools in the are today! So, here I was looking forward to being by myself again during the day. NOT!!!!! I made it through today just fine though, I got things done that I wanted to for the most part. The kids got to play a long while then clean up, then watched The Dark Knight while I worked on the computer and baked Chocolate Almond Brownies. Not quite "from scratch", since I tend to be more of a "semi-homemade" kinda girl! :-)

Tomorrow is the BFF's birthday, and she is travelling to San Francisco this evening. I sent her an e-card that she should get when she lands...if she turns her computer on that is! Otherwise, it will be the morning. She's doing okay lately. The guy is (I hope) really trying to make himself better. The things she tells me are completely different in tone from the things he said before when he was scamming and lying and stuff. I figure if God really did put them together, then it doesn't have to make sense to us mere mortals! I just want her truly happy in a productive relationship.

I have been good the past day and a half from going on the 'baby doctor' website. I really wanna figure out how to get the money for it, while paying off all my other bills too! I even told Wayne that I was taking donations for my cause...to which he laughed of course! He told me his very recent ex-wife (from hell) told him she wants to have one more baby, and since he is the father of her other 2 kids she wants him to father this one too!! Poor thing, she was actually serious, which is scary all in itself. So that's when he had to let her know that he got 'fixed' earlier this year. He said she broke down and cried right there! Wow! As a woman, I can understand her frustration and hurt..but since I don't really like her, oh well!

Yes, you're right. I can be a bit mean sometimes!

Tomorrow I will finish working on my business plan. I decided to choose the software that I bought instead of the book I was using. Then when I get a few bucks, I need to get the Montana checked out so I can get to driving across the water when I need to get things done. Oh yes, don't think I don't know this is the enemy right now. I am well aware of it. Now that I am ready to go to the Women's Business Center in St. Louis, and to networking events all around the metro area, my car starts acting up!! Stumbling blocks are just stepping stones, that's all!!

There is a women's networking event I want to go to on the 23rd, and of course at this moment cost is a factor. But, I will find a way around that. Quick fast and in a hurry! You just wait! Anything that I want bad enough, I will always make it happen!!

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