January 8, 2009

Sleep Deprived...without a newborn

I could keel over right now into a coma. No really, I could! Why? I was up reading until 348am, that's why???

It was book by AA author Omar Tyree, that Dante gave to me to read a few months ago now. Unfortunately when he gave it to me, I was only reading self-improvement nonfiction books. I tried to start reading it, but it just didn't keep my attention in the beginning. So, on my headboard it sat for several weeks..just under my Women's Bible and close enough so I could look at it and think of my sweetie. The shift came when I read 3 books by Karen Kingsbury (who I now love), which were all fiction novels. So I decided to go ahead and finish this book called Leslie that he gave me so long ago. The other day when I picked it up, I read about 80 pages in one sitting. Then I decided to go ahead and finish it last night.

Well, the problem came when I was lying on the bed reading with my back to the clock, and before I knew it it was 2am. I had less than a hundred pages to go and I was completely engulfed in the story line by then, so I decided 'What the heck?' and went for it!! When I looked at the clock when I was done, I was astonished. And so that he would believe me, I sent Dante a text message when I was done so he would know what time I finished too!!

The good news is that I did not allow myself to take a nap today. As a matter of fact, I wasn't home most of the day anyway. I worked on my business plan for a little while on the computer and drank coffee (my 2nd cup), then left to get stuff taken care of. I found out the status of my medical case, and it is still pending completion. Then I found my guy that manages the tire shop I have been trying to find. He went to a different store, though he said he is there for good now. So, I got 2 tires for $69 including tax! I still have to get 2 more on my next payday, plus he's holding a new wheel for me to use as a spare. That sure beats the $75 per tire estimate from Meineke!

Done for today! Here's the LOVE tip:

Share your food with your partner. When you go out for a meal, hold a forkful up to his/her mouth and say, "You've got to try this."
Sharing your food and even feeding each other is a great way to become closer as a couple.

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