January 3, 2009

Date Night!

So last night, Dante and I had a date night. After our talk on Thursday, I had a glimmer of hope that we would be okay. So I asked him by text on Friday morning if he had seen Twilight yet, to which he replied no. So I asked him to go with me. Kween's youngest daughter was recruited to babysit, and I picked up her up from her volunteer job. He wanted to go the earlier showing, which was at a theatre about 20min away from me. I agreed and he decided to meet me there since his mom's house was north (I think) from there. I bought the tickets - cause I asked, and that's the rule in my world...you ask, you buy - then waited out front for him. He told me he would be a few minutes late getting there, and I was just hoping not to miss any of the movie.

When I saw him walk up, I was still kind of apprehensive towards him. I honestly didn't know what to do. Inside I wanted to kiss him or hug him, but I didn't know how he would react to that. SO I played it very cool, and let him lead. After we handed the girl our tickets and walked toward the theatre, he grabbed my hand. Then I knew things would be okay and not awkward. We held during the movie, and laughed and talked. It was starting to feel normal again, you know. SO I was beginning to exhale again.

The movie, by the way, was awesome! The love story in there is fierce...especially since there was no sex, and maybe one kiss between them!! What was that line he told her?? Something like: 'I can no longer find the strength to stay away from you'. Damn!!!! That line totally took my breath away!

So after the movie, I asked if he was hungry. Hey, it was almost 7p and my Cinnamon Life had worn off a long time ago!! We went to Applebee's but the wait was not an option. So I remembered seeing a Ponderosa down the main drag a bit, and we met there. We had a great time at dinner, plus it was nice being out on a date too!! A bonus that it was with the man I love!

Per our conversation the night before, he had agreed to spend the night with me. Yes, I asked. I didn't think he was going to before he left, and I couldn't bear the thought of him going back to Memphis on such distant terms! He told me he had a few places to go and he would be there later. No problem was my reply, since I had to get the babysitter home. Turns out her mother still hadn't made it home from the wake she went to earlier, and the persons house she was over was in my town! SCORE!! I got directions and off we all went!

Strange thing about this night was that I saw Roy's younger sister there! Her twins, who are now 16 were there and she has a little boy who's 19months. I didn't even ask about Roy, because I really don't care. I asked about her mom, and she was happy to see the kids. I gave her my number as well. Her girls were happy to see me and excited to see the WonderTwins...and vice versa.

Do I expect I may hear from Roy in the next few months? Sure I do. Does it bother me at all? Not even a little bit. Just like last time he came through (with the standard "I wanna see my kids" speech) and then disappeared so suddenly, I'm running this show! If he wants a part, he's got to audition and earn it. You don't get in their lives just because "you're the father"...that right was forfeited when Bruzer was still an arm baby!

Anyhow, my Punkin did make it back over late like he said, but with movies in tow. So we sat up and watched Eagle Eye (awesome!)...okay, I sat up and watched it! He was snoring after the first chapter, with Eclipse laying on him sleeping too! I was on my cycle, so it's not like anything was gonna happen, you know? Why did I ask to spend the night then? Because I wanted us to be close to one another like we both enjoy so much. I just felt that was very important for us to get reconnected after what happened. We watched Batman Begins that morning, and I made a simple breakfast for all. Turkey Bacon and Orange Rolls. He left, and I felt so much better about where we were again. I hit the grocery store for both of us, as originally planned.

No, I didn't say anything about the sister comment from the text message. Everytime I thought about it, it wasn't the right time. Maybe I'll just let it go. Whatever is gonna happen, is gonna happen! I just have to trust God, and know that He has my back regardless!

He even surprised me not too long ago and stopped by out of the blue! I was watching The Dark Knight when he comes bamming on the door! A very pleasant surprise, and a lot of passionate kisses. Definitely meant all was good with us! I swear I could have stripped him naked right there in the door frame! But, really how much could I do with him??? LOL

He's leaving tomorrow, and I will surely see him for a little while before he goes. I tried to get him to stay the night last night, but he didn't have his stuff with him. It would have been way too far of a round trip drive for him to get it too.

All in all, this has been a great visit! Almost 2 whole weeks with my sweetie! What a great way to start the new year off!! Looking for better and brighter things to come - for us, and for every part of my life!

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