January 28, 2009

The Weekly Update

You know what's weird? When I have a lot on my mind, I tend to blog less! Isn't that interesting?
Everything has been going well for me. Just came off 2 days at home with 6 children due to snow days. Yes, it actually looks like it's winter now here in my neck of the woods! So they go to school tomorrow, then they have a scheduled day on Friday! Lucky me!!!!!

Meanwhile I added something new to my business. Concierge service! Am I not so perfect for that? That's what I thought too! I made up some nice flyers on Monday with the intent of copying them and distributing them in some well-off subdivisions on Tuesday. Then the snow and sleet came. And it kept coming until this morning!! So, now the plan is tomorrow...hopefully. It's gonna be cold and there will be a lot of snow to contend with, but I have to get while the gettin's good!

Kids did get to go out play in the snow for a while today. Because it was so cold, I set the egg timer for 20 minutes. Champagne was fine the first 5-10 minutes, but then her highness realized that snow is cold...and came in the house!! lol Starr only found one glove, but I told her stay out there and have her fun, since they had been bugging me for 2 days! DJ was his usual mellow self, but he was glad to go out. Bruzer was...well....Bruzer as usual. He was throwing snowballs, bellyflopping into the snow, running around the yard! He was in snow heaven all the way!! I took pictures of each of them so that whenever I make their individual photo albums, they'll have a pic of themselves in it.

Things are good with Dante and me. Nothing major or minor to report in actuality. Daily conversations and texts ans all that good stuff still occurs. I am getting back to that attitude of 'why would he want anyone but me?', cuz that's really how I feel. I know I'm not perfect (as noone is), but I'm a damn good woman. The men that had me were lucky and those that lost me were foolish! It's not the ideal situation he had in mind I'm sure - me with 4 children already. But you know what? I bet getting divorced or not having any children by age 37 wasn't in the plans either! So you know what? We learn to work with what we have been given, because honestly the result is usually that God knew what was better for us all along! I am the best kind of woman. I am the kind you can take to any function with complete confidence - family, work, hanging with friends! I am definitely the kind you want in your bedroom at night! AND, I love being the kind that's in the kitchen too!??! The things that aren't so good, I'm working on improving because I already see the problem. That's as close as hitting the lotto as you can get, isn't it?

Just had to toot my own horn there a bit. Something I neglected for a few too many years, and I have to get back to. Honestly, we should all do it a little more. We are so hard on ourselves.

Something really big happened yesterday, that has me questioning my own mortality and past choices. When I know for sure that all is well, I will be able to share. Right now, I am not panicking like I was yesterday (Wayne talked me off that ledge) because I know more info and believe that I am not under any risk. But, there's still that 'what if' part of you that you have to work through on your own. That's where I am now. But, it will all be ok soon.

Just you wait and see.

Today's Love Tip:

Leave a voicemail on your partner's work or mobile phone that says:

"Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you."

This will be appreciated especially on those really rough days.

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