November 18, 2009

Congrats to my daughter!

Starr participated in the annual district spelling bee tonight, for the second year in a row. Out of the fourteen contestants, she got down to number four!! Yeah, to some 4th place is not a winner. But guess what? That means that she is the 4th best speller out of hundreds of fifth graders in the school district!! So that's damn good to me!!

Her dad didn't make it, what a surprise. He actually thought I would be upset since he claims he took the wrong day off. He knows I don't have that much faith in him. Or at least he should know that. I guess that's the sad part, is that I have such little expectations for him. That has made it very easy not to want to fall back into a situation with him again. Lots of false promises and many a broken word. I hope for his sake he gets better.

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