October 17, 2006

God's Little Girl is Growing Up

I am 32 years old, soon to be 33. I have gone through quite a bit in my life, good and bad. A lot of it was during my "roaring 20s". More of that will be discussed in due time. Most, if not all, of it helped me to be the person I am today. Therefore, as hard as some of it was to go through, I wouldn't change a thing. I think about myself a lot. No -for those of you that know me- not in the narcissistic way you have grown to love. But more of a Purpose-Driven Life kind of way. Here's what I've figured out so far:

1) It's all about God. Not the parties or the clubs, or that guy that is SO FINE you don't care if he's got a woman. It's ALL about God.

2) You get one go around at life, there are no "do-overs". Stop living on the "what ifs" and "if onlys". Stop believing your own crap! You know the line: "When I blah-blah-blah, then I'll be able to/then I can blah-blah-blah." Let me perfectly clear here. There is no past nor future, THERE IS ONLY NOW!

Any questions?

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