December 14, 2007


Okay, so I was able to get off work at 1p today, with the sole intent of hitting the road at about 4p at the latest. Um....NOT!! My mother's outpatient procedure was scheduled for 12noon. They are currently running about 2 hours behind! Mind you, for this procedure, you can't have eaten solid foods the day before. Not 12 hours...THE. WHOLE. DAY. My poor mom! On top of the fact that she has to be put out for this, and her and anesthia are not really the best of buds.

But, as long as her outcome is positive and clean...I am good with that!

So, of course that spirals down to my expected departure time. I am now hoping for 6pm.

I have some running to do, so I will let you know how my weekend went when I get back!

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