April 4, 2008

It's Going

So the scale was a little better later in the week. I saw 183, which was encouraging. I talked to my sister about it and realized I hadn't been drinking as much water as usual, which plays a majore role in everything. So, I increased my water intake again to normal. I also made sure I didn't overdo it on the snacking. During the entire process, I have cheated twice. One was the day I had the carrot cake for Leigh's birthday, and two was yesterday when I ate a potato chip.

No, I'm serious. I ate one chip. That's all I needed, and the crave was gone...and it wasn't even a Red Hot Riplet!! Other than that, I have been sticking to my sugar free jello and my ricotta creme as desserts. I have some sugar-free fat-free fudgesicles, but I haven't eaten one yet, though Leigh said they are pretty good. I bought those to dip in Cool Whip Free, my own little frozen treat! I can't really do much more celery...not having good luck beating the stringy thing...even when I peel it! So, honestly, I think I have about one more week on Phase 1...and I am going to seriously need to see some fruit!

So I will weigh in this coming Monday or Tuesday morning, then again the following Monday morning, and that will be my official start into Phase 2. By that second weigh-in, I am truly believing to be 175. That is my first mini-goal on the way to my main goal. I can do it...South Beach can help!

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