April 1, 2008

A Little Discouraged

I was really excited last week when I saw 185 on the scale, and so of course I expected to be in the low 180s this week.

Um, no.

Apparently somewhere I have overdone it. So I suppose I am going to have to lay off for a while until I figure out where. Yes, I know I had that carrot cake, but really, is it that easy to blow your weight gain?? Granted, I didn't take my BP med yesterday, so part of this is water retention weight (my feet actually looked swollen to me this morning), Geez, if it would have still said 185, I may have been okay. But this sucker went to 187!! Talk about discouragement! And the last dream I had before I woke up was about me rushing around at work on my 30minuted lunch and getting White Castle burgers and onion rings!! I was even disappointed in my dream!!! I just thought this was the phase where you drop the most significant weight. Sorry but, 5 pounds in 2 weeks is not significant to me!

On that note, I am going back to take a nap before the my alarm goes off.

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