April 29, 2008

Food Day

Oh boy, did I overdo it today!! We had an Italian theme this time, and a couple of ladies made some REALLY good pastas! I didn't have large portions, actually smaller than normal....but I ended up eating seconds later that afternoon! PLUS, I had a piece of chocolate pie...AND...Birthday Cake too!!! I could actually FEEL the difference in my body....all those carbs and sugar....I did not like it one bit!

That makes me feel awesome! I haven't eaten anything since about 3p today...and I still feel full. I cooked dinner for the kids...and the smell of it was almost nauseating!

I can't imagine I will be eating much tomorrow AT ALL. There will surely be a Venti Caramel Macchiatto Nonfat Latte (with 1 Splenda) from Starbucks to start the day though, since I am off work. The way I feel right now...there probably won't be much more after that. I may do a day of Slim-Fast made with soy milk to clear my system out...or I may just do a V8 and fruit juice fast instead.

I am trying to decide what to do with my day tomorrow. I really need to work on my travel flyer design and perhaps get some copies made, especially since I have the paper already. A trip to the DMV to renew my plates wouldn't hurt either. More cleaning and organizing of my living room/office would be awesome! Laundry wouldn't hurt. Some vaccumming is much needed. Boy this list is getting long!

I do plan to do some training for my initial certification, because I want to have that finished as quickly as possible, so I can get on to possibly certifying for an actual client soon.

Still waiting to get the microwave cart out of the car...

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