April 19, 2008

Sweetest Hangover...

Yep, hungover from lack of sleep and good amounts (though not excessive) of alcohol. I drank Amaretto Sours all night at the dinner dance, then had 3 Smirnoff Ice at the "afterparty" in Tammy's hotel room. So I have been suffering all day today, in the bed, half nauseous with a headache. Blew the diet all to hell for the day today. I had a McDonald's Filet-O-Fish and fries, then later I took the kids to a chinese buffet, though I didn't do as bad there. I had some noodles and potstickers, but everything else was really meat and veggies. Didn't even have any dessert.

I am worn out now, but I have a few things to catch up on from Friday's events. So, stay tuned for another post in a few hours when I wake up!

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