March 31, 2008

Moving Ahead

I sold my very unused keyboard last night. Nice kid, couldn't have been more than 21. He said a couple things that struck me as odd, which made me know who's child he was. I asked him if he had been playing long, since he said this was his first electric keyboard. He said he hadn't, it was something he had just started in January as a way to relieve stress...and it better than "getting involved in sex or drugs or anything illegal." That was a mighty bold statement to make, wasn't it?? I thought so too. After further inquiries as to him living in this area, I find out that he was gone for over a year doing missionary work with his church! That confirmed it! Very cute kid, how awesome to hear him so boldly make that stand!

We went to Leigh's to celebrate her birthday with cake. She had carrot cake, which was GREAT, 'cause I didn't want regular birthday cake. I wouldn't have cheated for that. Amazingly though I was good after a few bites. I ate it all though, didn't want to throw it away and I couldn't give it away to the kids! I didn't eat lunch though, so that helped calorie-wise.

I went to Aldi and grabbed a few more things for me but mainly stuff for the kids' dinners throughout the week. If I take the time to plan the meals, then we may be more likely to get things done. I didn't relax my hair still, and boy am I overdue! Maybe it will be tonight...

I made a decision last night when I went to bed that I was going to wake up this morning and workout. The alarm went off at 530a, and I got up! I took another load of laundry to the basement, did the washer-to-dryer switch, then brought a load up and sorted it for the kids. My TV is very close to going out, so it wasn't cooperating to do my workout DVD. So I went to plan laptop! Worked out just fine, despite the distraction of a very large waterbug somewhere underneath my couch! Eclipse tried to get it, but it scampered out of her reach under the couch. Honestly, it was only 10 minutes working out, but it's a start! I would have done it a second time had it not been so late already. So tomorrow I will likely do it twice in a row.

Well, time to the wake the kids and hit the shower! Already heard from my sweetie this early, so my day is off to a great start!! Hope yours is too!

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