March 19, 2008

Happy Humpday!

Today was a good day. Boss was still at home sick. *cough* punk ass! *cough*

Still doing well at South Beach, even though two people brought in doughnuts today! One lady's doughnuts, I don't really like that much. But the others were Krispy Kreme!! You know, really though, it wasn't that hard to resist??

I did very good again today. Call it a placebo effect, but I really feel better. Less sluggish even! Had a veggie salad for lunch, cause I forgot my tuna at home. But with my breakfast and then my snacks, I surely wasn't really hungry when lunchtime came. I ate anyway though, and I am glad I did.

I weighed myself last night right after I ate, and was 192. Then this morning when I weighed, I was 188. I will list 190 as my starting weight. I hope I am at most 180 (fingers crossed for 175) by the end of the 2 weeks. If so, then I will probably extend Phase 1 another two weeks, in an effort to get to 170 (fingers crossed for 165) as quickly as possible! Who knows? Sometime soon, I may actually start exercising too!!!

There is a party for my job on the 18th. I am planning on attending with my sweetie. I reserved one of the special-rate hotel rooms today, just in case we do go together. That gives me a month and a half to be down 25-30 pounds, so I can fit into some of the dressees I already own but may have never worn cause I had nowhere to go in them! I am motivated though to reach this goal. Not just because of the party but I am no longer comfortable in this skin. I want to be smaller

Dante and I had a good time talking this evening. About nothing in particular, just being our usual silly selves! We are going to try and meet at the halfway point on Friday night and get a room until Saturday. I hope I can get my sister to watch the kids for me for such a short period of time (ie, overnight instead of all weekend). It would be much needed for both of us.

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