March 2, 2008

Credit Cards, Schmedit Cards

It's amazing when I read the news about people with 4 and 5 figure credit card debts. I don't even have a credit card, haven't had one since I was in my early twenties, and can't get one to save my life! Well, I can, but I refuse to get one with a $250 limit and let them charge me $200 in fees right off the bat! But that's not my problem. I have a problem with another piece of plastic: my check card!

That damn thing gets me in the dog house every time! Something that may have cost $6, now costs $41 because my account bounced and I got hit with a $35 fee! That had to be the best Dairy Queen ever made!!! So as convenient as it is, I am going to have to retire that thing! It has cost me way too much money in the past couple of years, basically as if I was paying those ridiculously high credit card interest rates. Until I can manage better, I am going to have to go to a primarily cash system. I just can't take this anymore. If I am ever going to get ahead - and I will - I have to control how much money I pay out. I make enough to sustain my modest lifestyle, but all the extra fees and late fees and crap is what kicks my ass every time!

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