March 30, 2008

The Weekend So Far

Nothing great happened! I was busy Saturday doing the "Solo-Mommy Special". What is that, you ask? Why, trying to make a dollar out of 45 cents, of course!!

I did get a few things done though. Biggest purchase for me was a new vacuum cleaner. I wished I go without longer, but it's been 2 weeks since mine burned out. With 2 shedding long-haired cats and a human who sheds like a cat (me), AND four children....there was just no getting around it anymore! So, I think I got a really great deal for $65. I tried to avoid Wal-Mart, because they are so unscrupulous sometimes...but unfortunately my budget just doesn't allow for Target (yet), and K-Mart is too limited in their selections.

I bought brightly colored paper from Sam's to make flyers with. I should have the flyers designed by the end of today. I researched several places to buy the paper, and Sam's had the best deal by far. I actually left Sam's spending less than $20! That's the power of a shopping list!!! I proceeded to Wal-Mart, where I found a better deal on kitty litter than buying it at PetsMart. I got most things on my list to keep me in sync with SBD, plus the vacuum cleaner. I brought a limited amount of cash with me -and the debit card is off limits- so I had to put a couple of things back at the checkout. No big deal. I will get them when I go out today, since I still have a little more shopping to do.

So, financially, things are still dire (aren't they always). But I have come up with a proposition for my ex-husband that I pray and believe he will accept. I think it's a bang-up deal that's a win-win for both of us! I will discuss it in my legal consultation on Tuesday first, then present it to him.

My sister may barbecue today, and everyone is invited over for that. I have some chicken breasts that I need to unthaw and marinate and hopefully grill there. That way, I can make my own Chipotle-style salad, which serves a dual purpose. First, I can control my budget. Second, I can control the caloric intake, so I know I am keeping in with my plan. My plan being to become more aggressive and strict the next 2 and a half weeks. I have 15 pounds to lose by April 18. I can do it!

After my first goal, I plan to enter Phase 2, and should hopefully get the other 15pounds gone by June. That will take me 155, which I think will be a really good weight for me. Seriously, I don't want to be skinny, I like my curves! I have been clearly warned by my sweetie that losing the ass is NOT an option! It's not quite Beyonce or J-Lo...but since I was slighted on the top end, it's all I've got!!

Healthy is the goal, which means that exercise HAS to begin this week! I researched and bought some really cool DVDs a while back, and I will pull them out and start using them. My sis and I are trying to coordinate schedules to hit the Y. I am glad we are there for each other in this. She may have weight to lose than me, but we are definitely in this together!

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