June 16, 2007

All By Myself

That's how I feel. That's how I want to feel.

I am so disillusioned with relationships right now, and black men in general.

I know, I know. I can't blame all for the faults of a few. But dammit, I've had my share of relationships with black men, and they've all ended up faulty. Yes, I was guilty sometimes as well, but that's not the point right now!

Isn't that one of the reasons the black guys date and marry women of another color?

They complain that black women have too much drama, and are too combative, and have too much attitude, and blah, blah, blah. But what about them?! They are so damn confused, it's infuriating! They SAY they want certain qualities in a woman, and when given the opportunity to have them, they FREEZE UP AND BOLT!!!

I'm tired and fed up! It's times like these I can see my sister's point about not wanting to date another black man again.

Forget Tyrone and Leroy. Bring on Juan, Rico, and Javier!!!!

(don't worry, I'll be better soon....)

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