June 27, 2007

I Moved

Yes!!! Be excited for me…I am out of the slumlord’s house!!


As with all change, I am worried that I jumped from the frying pan into fire. But that’s a natural ‘What if I made the wrong decision’ reaction.


My rent is lower which makes me happy. The kids – for the most part – are pleased with the move. Yes, they have some adjusting to do.


Bruzer was caught in the act by his auntie of fighting the teacher at school yesterday! Yes the Officer caught him hitting the teacher! My child! Hitting a teacher!!! In preschool!!!!


This is when that annoying little voice in the back of my head says “You should have stopped at 3!” LOL

But Hell, what fun would that be?


I called and talked to the teacher to get the skinny on what the heck happened. Apparently he had a bit of a meltdown after I left, and decided to go lay at the front door of the daycare center on the mat (can we say EWWWWWW?) sucking his beloved thumb. When the teacher discovered him and tried to get him back to the classroom, he went into full-on rage. This is right about the time the Officer was walking up. Yeah, it was on!


I talked to him last night and this morning. Okay threatened really, but hey whatever works, right? My mom even told him that if behaved that way again, he wouldn’t be able to buy a motorcycle when he got big. That was H-U-G-E to a 3 year old with an obsession with motorcycles!


I did also explain to his victim…err, teacher….that we just moved this weekend and the past few weeks since summer started I have been slacking on bedtimes. Trust me, these are not excuses but actual reasons. His behavior is completely unacceptable to me, and I don’t cut much slack on such behavior.


I won’t have my internet at home for another couple of days, so by the weekend, I will have several update posts that I’ve been writing at home offline.

This one I emailed from work. Ain’t technology beautiful!?


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