November 1, 2007

Halloween is FINALLY Over!

I thought it would never leave!!! Unfortunately, I have somewhere close to a metric ton of candy to contend with! I am not real big on candy and my kids. It's not cause I'm a mean mommy, but moreso to try and prevent them from taking the path I did.

They like candy, as most normal, red-blooded children do. However, they do not love candy as I did growing up. I mean real love. Like every-tooth-in-my-head-is-filled kinda love!

They did dress up though. My sister, Leigh, was able to provide costumes for all, and my brother-in-law took them trick or treating, while I chatted with Leigh and my mom and fried some chicken strips and fries.

I will post their pics later...I am tired though, so headed to bed.

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