February 24, 2008

And Then It Snowed!

Did I not just say yesterday that I was done with winter? So why oh why did I wake up to snow this morning??!! Yes! Snow! Maybe 2 inches fell overnight! By midday though, the temperature had risen enough that most of it melted. Thank goodness! Unfortunately, the devil's plan worked and I didn't go to church as I had planned yesterday. BUT, I watched both Joyce Meyer and Pastor David Crank this morning....and those messages were definitely two I needed to hear!

Joyce spoke about the power of words. It's like step two of what I have been getting accomplished this year. Step one was controlling and changing my thoughts. I must say, I have been doing very good at that one. I am not as negative or depressed, and I make a very conscious effort to be that way. I feel better for it too. So step two is the words I speak. That's what I learned today from Joyce. Pastor Crank was talking about actively seeking God. I don't do enough of that, and haven't for a while. I don't talk to God like I should, cause prayer just intimidates me completely. I am a work in progress however, and I have the desire to be better. That desire will make it happen.

I talked to the guy today that currently owns the 2 kitties I want. I also double-checked with my landlord and he said cats were fine. The kids and I are going Tuesday to go look at them. I can't imagine being more smitten with them in person than I was the first time I saw their picture. I am very excited. I will probably tell the kids tomorrow evening what's happening on Tuesday. I have really been thinking about this, it's not something I take lightly. This is literally a 'til death do us part' kind of thing for me. It's weird to think that I am 34, and these will be my first pets as an adult. Someone as much of an animal lover as I am! But, perhaps this is part of my newfound mindset too. I wasn't really mentally at a place to commit to anything else before.

Changing my thought patterns has been one of the smartest things I have done lately!! I sincerely believe this will truly help me get my skyscraper built!

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