January 20, 2008

All is Well

I was really worried about my Punkin this weekend, and all kinds of horrible thoughts were in my mind. Our communication on Friday had me a little "off" mentally...then my bff's situation didn't help matters. Turns out my worrying was for a reason, cause something serious happened that caused him to be out of touch. But, thankfully, he is back, safe and sound!

Meanwhile, I fought that idle mind today and got a few things accomplished. I rearranged my living room. I did some work in both the boys' and girls' rooms yesterday and today, so they have a more normal looking room now. I (finally) took my Christmas tree down, and put all the decorations in the attic. I have a couple more areas of the living room I want to tackle in the morning. There is no light in the attic, so I have to work in the daytime. Yeah sure, it may be hiding it away...but so what!? I just want to walk into a relatively clean and clutter free house from now on! I told you, I am ready to get ME back!

I bought a relaxer today to get rid of the naps in my head! Yeah, yeah...call me what you want, but nappy hair is not a good look! I don't care how many people on TV try to say otherwise! Plus, I have been wearing my hair back in a bun for almost 2 years now. But instead of giving my hair a rest and letting it just grow, it made me lazy and I did less of the regular maintenance, so it really didn't grow. My hair should be at least 5 inches longer than what it is now. So, I will go back to what I know works best for my hair, and we'll see what happens.

The kids and I joined the YMCA on Friday, and I have already been making my schedule up for what classes I want to take. I want to be in 2-3 to start for the first month or so, then perhaps just go and walk the track the other days of the week.

AND, since I had to 'fess up to a certain fabulous guy today about being a slacker on my crunches, I HAVE to get that going again...no choice. I think I am going to approach it like I did last time (and that worked really well). 50 crunches in the morning and 50 at night is how I broke it down. I struggled getting to 50 for the first 2 weeks, but after that I could actually feel myself stronger than I had been. So my goal for the end of January (quantifiable goal) is to be so comfortable doing 50 crunches per session that I can increase by 25 per session every week thereafter! By mid-February (15th, again quantifiable goal), I will have reached 100 in the morning and 100 at night before bed. I will continue this course, until I reach 200 in the morning and 200 in the evening! I should reach this point right before my mini-vacation in the middle of March.

Keep me accountable people....I WILL reach this goal!

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