January 17, 2008

A Rough Couple of Days

Not for me personally, but for my bff. The guy she was seeing while on her project in Dallas turned out to be a serpent! She has been torn up for the past 2 days. Just to the point of uncontrollable tears, poor thing. I know that feeling...I have experienced it more than I care to remember.

So, we'll call him Davie (doesn't really matter, cause after this post he won't be mentioned again).
It's a long, complicated story, but the highlights are that they didn't get together the first time she was sent there for business. She was very into someone else at the time, and considering he was in the process of a divorce, she figured he would need time to heal anyway. Well, what he did was he went and got himself a girlfriend. Let him tell it, this girl was totally jealous and controlling. All of a sudden, my bff wasn't "allowed" to just randomly call or text him, cause "she checks my phone". They would see each other hit and miss, amybe once a week.

This went on for months, to the point that we had to come to an agreement about it. I didn't like the thought of my bff settling for being the "other woman" because that's really what she was. No matter how many times he talked about this woman and how she was so horrible, the story stayed the same. You know the line: "Just be patient." Yeah, that one.

Please know, I am the LAST somebody to call her a fool, cause I have been there. I repeat: I have been there! I finally got an understanding of what the draw was to him for her. She saw the sweet vulnerable side a few times, and that's what she was attached to. Though unfortunately the dominating side she experienced most was not so kind, sweet and gentle. He would constantly remind her of this other woman on the one hand, but then turn around and 'baby, baby, baby' on the other! Men can be so messy sometimes!

Well, him being married for 13 years was a big deal to her, and she totally entertained the thought that him and the wife/ex-wife could reconcile at any time. I didn't get that concept because I see divorce as FINAL. Unless God says otherwise, and the people have been transformed by His Holy Spirit. Other than that? No.

Well, guess what he tells her 2 days ago? You guessed it! That he's getting back with his ex-wife! I do not believe it, the story makes no sense...too many holes. But anyway, at first she was fine cause she had expected that as a possibility. Then reality set it, and it has been a struggle ever since. Do you know what it's like to listen to someone you love cry uncontrollably on the phone from hundreds of miles away, and you know you can't get to them? It is a very helpless feeling, let me tell you. But God!!!!

Prayers are answered, let me say. She had a good day yesterday for the most part, then today just spiraled out of control quickly. But God, as usual, just in the nick of time, answered her prayer to take the pain away! She is off that project down there and will be going home from Dallas for good tomorrow!

He answered another of hers too, though it was a more painful answer. Ever since she had been dealing with Davie, she said she had no peace. She was always on eggshells, worried that a text message might make him mad or if she emailed too much or called, whether he would start fussing. She just wanted her peace back. Well, with him out of the picture...that prayer was answered too! Brighter days are ahead! Bigger and better things lie in store. You can't get to something, if you don't go through nothing!!!


Anonymous said...

God is so great..if anyone sees this comment I'm the BFF....I called myself Diez in a recent comment...however...I like the term "FORMER ASSHOLE" better. I think I was called Asshole by men so much in college, I thought it was my name.But God is full of Mercy. Another blessing, the person that my heart belonged to fully before MARIO DAVIS (yes I said his real name-damn unstable creature)...but my true BOAZ is back, and forgiveness and restoration and reconilation is here. God is so AWESOME

Anonymous said...

However, I must frown upon personal details being on your blog for the world to see, your blog should be about your experiences not mine