May 29, 2007

So Much for the Maternal Instinct

This headline was pulled off the Associated Press today:


Considering the youngest baby was 8months old, I’m going to guess at a severe and untreated case of post-partum depression. As sad as it is, that is my only solace. I would pray that it had nothing to do with her ‘estranged’ (hate that word) husband not being there. Because that takes my mind another way. You know, her feeling the desperation of her young age with 4 children,  having been a wife and mother from 18 years old, and then he leaves her? That might’ve have been too much.


Still, it is very sad and heartbreaking to thing what those children must’ve been thinking as their mother – their MOTHER – was doing this.


God help us, these are the worst times of our life.

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